Social Community

Pet cat and dog paw club, we come together for our lovely friends. If you like either of these, you should join us. Animals or digital assets..


Follow us to participate in award-winning competitions with social interaction events soon.

Paws Club Community Project

Our 3- Stage Paws club social project plan;

1-Social İnteraction

To create a knowledge base forum and reach consensus on various issues such as the care of our pets. To get the best results by acting with community decisions. Unite on social networks and strengthen the community to get events started.

2-Social Fi

Creating a strong digital currency for launch and operating it in the best possible way. Providing launches with token and NFT projects

3-Social Events

Evaluation of created crypto assets; To reward the community with material and moral gains by organizing various social interaction activities in which animal lovers, pet owners and crypto lovers will participate. To create a support pool for emergencies for stray pets and to assist with community decisions.

If you support this project, join us now. Claw power can be achieved with beautiful people who believe.

We welcome regional volunteers who want to support the project team to contact us. Thank you.

– Active –

Social community formation

2024 – 2nd quarter

Support us on the social networks you are active on and sign up for the email form below to be informed of developments.

Paws Club Our Social Networks

Our username on all networks is pawsclubnet

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